i listened to this song 5 or 6 times in past 24 hours. it's the song "Crown on the Ground" by Sleigh Bells. i described it to a friend as MIA taking ecstasy with Ratatat and recording stuff on a crappy microphone.
(for some reason the song isn't showing up. bummer. click here to listen to it.)
so i have this World Lit class and we're reading Voltaire right now. i love it. it's funny, powerful, and really far ahead of its time. the man himself:

the more i read of Voltaire the more i feel like i'm reading a book full of Monty Python sketches. i brought that up in class and my professor was so stoked i thought that. he was like "yes! i thought the same thing!" I love that class. it's the only class i truly love this semester.
today i finished writing 8 pages on Max Weber. interesting fellow. he was a famous sociologist who wrote this book that is pretty dang interesting:

It's called "The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism." Sometimes i regret the fact i picked up a Sociology minor, but there are other times where it's really intriguing.
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