Wednesday, July 25, 2007

to no one

i write to no one. i know this very well. no one will read this because i haven't told anyone about it. i like it that way. i can write whatever i want.

i think The Quality Object is incredible right now. the best it's ever been and getting better by the practice. Zach, Tyler and I all feel the same but Lucas isn't happy. i don't know what to do about it because he wants to be something so much different. every weeks his ideas change and we can't change the band just to keep up with his mindset. i don't know what to do about it...

on a lighter not i'm going to Indy today. i'm going with Colombia so it should be a grand time. we'll go visit her school, Butler, and then we're going to hit up the zoo i believe. i have my paper route in an hour so i think i'm going to try and get some rest. i will end up with one 4 hours of sleep tonight no matter what... how crummy.

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